
by James Andrews
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36.000 x 24.000 x 1.500 inches
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James Andrews
Painting - Acrylic On Canvas
I can't imagine growing up in today's world. I *definitely* cannot imagine growing up in today's world as a young woman. When I think of all of the things my girls have to navigate, it just makes my head spin. So many influences from all sides...all wanting to take hold. I imagine it is a constant struggle to just barely keep their heads about them. It must feel like drowning at times. This piece looks at that feeling. In it, my daughter, Avery, tries to remain calm while barely staying above an oil slick. She'll get out, for sure, but it isn't easy to get all of that oil off. We all make it through this time of our lives, but there can be some things we go through which are pretty difficult to ever wash off. As her Daddy, my job is to stand ready with the bottle of Dawn, an open ear, and an even more open heart.
**Please contact the artist directly for pricing of any original works.**
May 1st, 2019
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