The Heroine's Journey

by James Andrews
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16.000 x 20.000 x 0.500 inches
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The Heroine's Journey
James Andrews
Painting - Oil On Linen
Please contact the artist for price of this original work.
This is the latest painting in my ongoing series showing the divinity in all of us. It is also a personal note to my daughters...and perhaps to daughters everywhere, trying to grow up in these bizarre times.
There are first the nods to Persephone and to the divinely feminine Venus. The ground is cold with scattered fallen leaves and final faint holdouts of summer wild plants while the circle closes around the vibrant crown of flowers and berries, taking them from us until Demeter can see her daughter again, in Spring. Venus is present in the body of the young woman, herself. When her standing pose combines with the hoop and the shear trim crossing her knees, we see the hand mirror symbol of the goddess of love, and females everywhere.
For my girls, this painting is a symbol of and guide for the journey they are really just beginning. The hula hoop represents both the helm of their lives, of which they are taking sole control, and a reminder to never lose the desire to play. 😊 The blindfold tells them that there is no set "correct" path...that it is different for each of us and we just have to make it up as we go sometimes. The trickster raven and rocky wall reminds them that the universe will put plenty of challenges in their paths ---and the sky tells of the limitless beauty which lies beyond those challenges. The hummingbird brings psychic energy and messages from the spirits and reminds the girls to always trust their gut and their principles. Lastly the skull reminds them of two things...first, that their family, both here and long gone, are always around and watching over them--and, secondly, that we are all here for just a short time, so they should live in the now and be kind, loving, and thankful for every second of it.
All my love to my two little heroines...have a safe and happy journey.
May 12th, 2022
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